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IBAT is committed to provide the top most safe and secure gaming experience to all its users. We make sure users stay positive and calm while on the gaming. This includes awareness of the social and financial. Self awareness and the social support are the crucial part of these games. Excess of anything is harmful so with this as well, it is advisable to take regular breaks and stay in control while having game play on the platform.

Playing on our platform is safe and secure if you follow given guidelines and avoiding the excessive gaming.

    • General advice is the play to be entertained. Games are part of life and it give pleasure and positivity while you win. So playing for the entertainment is good. Making habit or turning it as making money can lerad to financial risk that may occurs.
    • Making informed and smart playing decisions are crucial on any platform. So, just plan your game play and make sure you are aware of your financial conditions.
    • If it also important to track your game play time on the platform and stay positive while not playing. As it is advice to take regular breaks and be informed about the losses on it as well.
    • Playing games to over come sadness or depression is not a good idea, so always play when you feels the please not for other shortcut to be fulfilled suhc as to improve financial condition.
    • As you come to enterine on the platform so treat it like the source of entertainment only. Like you do with movies and sports on the real world. Finish all the task that are part and parcel of your life such as job tasks, family and friends as well as other home works. Complete all the task then you should start on it.
    • Do not give the most importance to these games only. So we patience and trat it like a just a games.
    • Do not borrow money, sell anything in order to play on the platform and just have the budget in order to start.
    • IBAT promotes responsible gaming and thus we make sure not to send promotions offers etc. to you otherwise you choose for it.
    • Do not try to win the lost game as this can lead to more loss.
    • Do not engage with these games on daily basis as these games are not the only souce of entertainment. You can use other source of entertainment as well such as physical games, gymming and any other hobby to overcome the addictions.
    • Responsible gaming is the responsibility of both you and us. We make sure our users stay positive and safe from social and financial viewpoints. We make sure you do not play too much on the platform that is why we also notify you to take breaks on the regular intervales.